Consumer Alert : | ||||
Trademark counterfeiting is when an established trademark is put on a product or service that is not one of the legitimate goods offered by the trademark owner. Please make sure to visit our Trademark Counterfeit Library. | ||||
Our EU Trademarks have been in commerce since 2009 | ||||
Biostar Technology International, LLC. Since at least as early as January 2005, Biostar Technology International, LLC has used several variations of DIACOM, BIOSTAR and VECTOR as a trademarks for its many medical devices. In addition to its common law rights in many trademarks incorporating DIACOM, BIOSTAR and VECTOR also owns federal trademark application. Biostar has spent a significant amount of time and energy developing the goodwill that consumers associate with its trademarks, and it must police infringing uses of trademarks incorporating VECTOR for related goods and services. | Biostar Technology | |||
EUIPO Filing# 018145786 | ||||
Vector expert (EU) | Vector expert | |||
EUIPO SN#018145786 | IPO-549167 | |||
Biostar NLS | Biostar NLS (EU) | |||
EUIPO SN#018203679 | ||||
Diacom USA | DIACOM | |||
MagnaZap | Bruce Copen Laboratories | |||
EUIPO SN#006741755 |